Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY: "B" is for "Before"....and after

There's been an exhibit of old photos of Belgrade downtown.  Couldn't help but snap the old stairs (taken somewhere in the early 1900s and a new shot taken...just a few days ago.  Foliage is different, but that's about it.  (And yes, those towers on the left are there, but now hidden because of the summer leaves.)

See other B's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

ca n'a pas beaucoup changer, amusant ton traitement

Gaelyn said...

Nice comparison.

Lowell said...

That is really quite amazing. In our area, if you don't go to a certain area for a few months, you can't recognize it 'cause it's been either remodeled, refurbished, repainted, torn down or bull-dozed! :-)

Leslie: said...

LOVE it! It's absolutely beautiful.

abcw team

Oakland Daily Photo said...

There's something comforting in knowing that not all things change.

Roger Owen Green said...

this is EXTREMELY interesting!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Luis Gomez said...

Love this Bibi. Thank you. Looks like a nice place.

The Poet said...

Dear friend,
This is a WOW!!! Really very nice and beautiful.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» likes "before and after" shots like this. He always finds them to be interesting.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I am relieved to see very little change in the after picture. I wonder if they led to a grand home or just to a vista.


Chubskulit Rose said...


Set of B's
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

lotusleaf said...

Your photo is beautiful. Clever of you to get a 'before' photo!

Pat said...

Hello, readers and Genie in particular.

The stairs lead up to a vista point and down toward an esplanade and flower garden in front of the fortress's walls.

Thérèse said...

I like "before" and "after" pictures: it is sometimes a comforting idea to know that certain things don't change much.

Daryl said...

a friend of mine recently published a book using old photos and new from her small town ..

back when I was a kid the NY Daily News had a weekend feature of then and now .. photos from various parts of the city from news archives compared to shots taken in present day .. I love stuff like that

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from ABC Wednesday, interesting to compare the then and now shots.

Alexa said...

Like Louis, I just love 'before and after' pics. Where I am, that means something; where you are, you can barely tell the diff (and I prefer where you are).

Pam Lane said...

Like everyone else, I love these before and after shots. Good job of getting a good "after" shot to compare.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.