Thursday, July 26, 2012

'tis the season

It's tennis season for sure, and intrepid players still play in Belgrade's heat, opting if they can for early morning or later evening.  This player is getting the court ready for those who follow him.  You had another view of this court in Kalemegdan's (now dry!) moat last May.


Luis Gomez said...

Always ready for some tennis.

Alexa said...

I was wondering if it was the same courts from back in May. Frankly, it's too hot for anything but swimming here.

Olivier said...

le tennis serbe est bien represente au plus haut niveau avec Djokovic (qui doit etre une idole a Belgrade ?)

Thérèse said...

Cela me rappelle l'heureux temps où je hersais le tennis en terre battue chez mes grands-parents :-) mais il y faisait surement moins chaud qu'à Belgrade en ce moment.

Daryl said...

cool shot .. love the POV

Lowell said...

Golf is hard enough in the heat; can't imagine playing tennis. It was very hot here today on the golf course!

TheChieftess said...

It's funny how in my mind, European cities don't get hot like it does here...even though I've been in several and sweltered profusely!!! The Europeans have it right though in that they drink much more mineral water than we do...that saved me in Italy!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.