Wednesday, August 1, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY: "C" is for "Camera" and THEME DAY: Numbers

I've been downsizing...have long had a small notebook computer, have been junking stuff around the house I don't want, and.....decided on my return trip to Belgrade to purchase on the airplane this cute little Minox DCC 5.1 pixel camera.  It's posing next to my travel buddy, Radovan, on this 50mm Nikon lens with all its numerical info visible (after all, it's the Theme Day of Numbers today).  Haven't taken too many photos yet with Mini, as I call her, but will post one soon.

In the meantime, check out other C's on ABC WEDNESDAY, and for Theme Day, go ahead and click right here.

And to see what others are posting on our-while-the-portal-is-down-site, click  here.

P.S.  Downsizing is fine, but I still have and use my 'big' DSLR!  Sometimes size does matter!


mrsnesbitt said...

Downsizing- love it! And what do we do? organise our tat - well that's me anyway!

Denise ABC Team

Lowell said...

The Minox has, as I recall, as history of being a spy camera, which, of course, begs the question, who are you spying for? Oops...for whom are you spying?

I like it and will look forward to see what kind of photos come out of the thing.

BTW, I think Radovan has your number!

Olivier said...

il est tres mignon, j'adore ce genre d'appareil photo,mais avec mes grosses paluches j'ai du mal a les tenir

Roger Owen Green said...

less is more, in this case
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Downsizing can be so tedious. Good for you doing it.
Love that little mini...hope to see lots of photos from it.

Leslie: said...

Seems as though these days the smaller the camera, the better the photos. At least you won't have to carry all those big, heavy lenses around. You must let us know how Mini takes photos!

abcw team

Pat said...

Of course I still have my biggie. This little spy guy is just for fun....sshhh.....

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love it Bibi, but then I do have a passion for small old cameras, looking very much forward to seeing how you do with it.

Daryl said...

another clever interpretation of numbers .. me, I wasnt so clever, couldnt find a photo with numbers .. anyway I am not participating this month .. love your entry .. and yes, size does matter when it comes to lenses

Birdman said...

Getting 2 for 1 today it looks like.

Tanya Breese said...


Alexa said...

Shoot—Lowell beat me to the Radovan joke. Downsizing is good. Difficult but good. I'm looking forward to seeing some shots taken with your cute little camera.

TheChieftess said...

Ooops!!! I just left a comment on the CDP temp page meant for you!!!

Do keep us posted about how you like the mini! And share how picked it!!! I like the concept of downsizing...but I've got pack rat in my lineage...fortunately not to the point of hoarder!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.