Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bull and beer

Not the name of a cafe, Bull and Beer, and this place actually seemed to be someone's house. I expect it might be the home of the village of Goričani (go-REE-chah-nee), Serbia, not far from the city of Čačak (CHAH-chak) where I visited some friends last weekend.  Their wall also features the rest of this bull, a pig, and a horse. Horse meat is eaten a bit here and in other parts of Europe.  Love their porch furniture.


Olivier said...

j'aime bien le fauteuil.
La viande de cheval n'est pas souvent très apprécie, beaucoup de gens ne veulent pas manger de cheval

Luis Gomez said...

What a great capture Bibi! Love it!

Thérèse said...

Empty crates though :-)

Unknown said...

A wonderful wordplay.
And very nice composition.
I like graffiti in Belgrade so much and I have some my own photos of it.

Lowell said...

Fascinating shot with all kinds of possibilities. The furniture and the beer bottles suggest it is a gathering place where the cares of the day are washed away in suds.

Birdman said...

BEER and BULLsh&t are found living together often!

Alexa said...

I wonder if this house is photographed often? I know I would! Or maybe strangers are few and far between and the neighbors are just used to it.

Pat said...

Alexa, I don't know, but it sure was an eye-catcher.

Bergson said...

superbe cadrage

-K- said...

Very nice. You couldn't have composed this better if you tried.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.