Wednesday, July 11, 2012

ABC Wednesday "Z" is for "zoomed in"

Like I said yesterday, I'm never bored with my camera, and so, while waiting for the never-to-arrive bus yesterday, I zoomed in on this lady across the street from me.

Her bus came.

See other Z's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Great shot Bibi. Wonderful portrait.

Juliette said...


Olivier said...

bien attrape l'attitude de la personne. tu etais jalouse car son bus etait arrive mais pas le tient ;o))

brattcat said...

perhaps the photography muse is orchestrating these detours for you, bibi. making certain you see the things you're meant to see.

Lowell said...

Zoom goes the lens of my camera!

Very cool. I've got a beautiful granddaughter who smokes those little cigars. Ugh!

Leslie: said...

Great idea! I actually went for a walk along the beach today and zoomed in on an older couple sitting under their beach umbrella. It might show up in next week's post!

abcw team

Ann said...

Found an interesting subject, noticed the two pair of glasses on her hat. Cute photo.

Thérèse said...

Je n'avais pas vu celle-ci! J'adore...

Roger Owen Green said...

See, she WILLED her bus to arrive!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


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