Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Waiting at the bus stop....

I waited over an hour and a half for the Number 4 bus the other day....never came; no other bus drivers knew anything about it. Nothing posted. So I walked back to my daughter's place, a good walk, and I managed to dodge the rain. She told me most people check if there's transit disruption on their Iphones....which I do not have....

Anyway, I'm never bored with my camera.


Luis Gomez said...

Walking is always good. ;)

Thérèse said...

One of the two stores I am missing dearly... :-)

Olivier said...

je suis d'accord avec Luis, marcher fait du bien, surtout quand on a un appareil photo, on peut faire de la street-photography comme toi

brattcat said...

you've definitely made something lovely out of your wrench-in-the-works agenda.

Daryl said...

I once waited 30 minutes for the bus from the vet to home .. I could have walked home and back twice in that time but I was stubborn, I was going to get a ride home ... I ended up walking .. sigh .. even a camera wouldnt have helped

Lowell said...

And with your camera you can proffer some insight in how to take good pictures. I like the way you angled up at this guy. Were you laying down on a bench? :-)

Looks like he's sprouting some flowers. And it looks like he's going for the long haul what with a backpack on his back. Lots to see here.

Alexa said...

And you made great use of it! I love that he's carrying flowers.

TheChieftess said...

Great shot!!! Sorry you had to wait so long and it never came...


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...