Monday, July 9, 2012


A bit surreal anyway.  These sculptures (and they're either standing or sitting) at Seattle's Westlake plaza are just begging for a photo, and so....  Love the blue trees, too.


Juliette said...

Me too!

Olivier said...

la sculpture ressort bien avec ces arbres bleus

Lowell said...

Seattle has lots of interesting stuff. We have blue bottle trees here. You can buy them at a little store in Hernando, Florida.

I kinda, maybe, like Sir Real.

Have a great week!

brattcat said...

i wonder what those trees have been drinking...blueberry juice, perhaps?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I agree Bibi, the faceless sculptures always have that surreal feel to them, the bronze looks fabulous with the bright blue trees as a background, great idea to shoot it this way.

Daryl said...

interesting .. are the tree trunks wrapped or dyed?

Pat said...

Hi, Daryl! The trees' bark was painted blue.

Alexa said...

The blue trees look cool, but I'm not sure Mother Nature would like them being painted!


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...