Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ABC Wednesday= "D" is for "dogs"

Dogs evolved from wolves, though sometimes it's hard to tell. Here is Kraut (the big dark gray guy) and Vukica (VOO-keet-sa, which means 'little wolf'' on the right with their person, Miodrag.

Bibi played more with Kraut...

See other D's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leslie: said...

I would have loved Kraut! The bigger the better, I say!

abcw team

Alexa said...

Milorad couldn't decide if he likes big dogs or small ones, I guess—though I imagine he's just a dog lover, period.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot Bibi. Nice portrait!

Olivier said...

et je suis certain que c'est le petit qui fait la lois ;)) beau portrait

Lowell said...

They're both cute as heck. And it seems they're both looking at something or someone ... Bibi?

Roger Owen Green said...

a dog day afternoon

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

photowannabe said...

Love the size difference of these two darling dogs. Great shot.

Wanda said...

Kraut is really a handsome dog, and I love his big and grey...and the little guy is cute too. We love our little dog, Molly.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I think that he has chosen the largest breed and almost the smallest... a little something for everybody!


TheChieftess said...

We've seen a number of these odd combinations up here...too funny!!!

Birdman said...

... and it takes all types. A perfect example.

Unknown said...

Gemini at Kalemegdan? :)

LindyLouMac said...

I am calling by as another ABC Wednesday participant. What a contrast there is between these two dogs, this meme is proving to be fun and has such a great variety of entries.

Nefertiti said...

la difference entre les deux est flagrante mais ils sont aussi beau l un que l autre ;o)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Good looking dogs. Catching up With ABC.

Daredevil Diva
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

joanne said...

lol at the size discrepancy! I love all dogs, but have a little one..

ChrisJ said...

So funny to see the two sizes side by side! I love dogs -- cats too!

Come Away With Me said...

There's something humorous about the difference in their sizes but both of them are quite handsome dogs!

Thérèse said...

I am wondering if the two of them get along all the time?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.