Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A hot job in hot weather

I didn't envy these ladies grilling hamburgers that I saw in Kraljevo where I traveled about 10 days ago.

A hot, hot job in hot, hot weather.


Olivier said...

beau b&w, un instantané de la vie

Luis Gomez said...

What a great picture Bibi!

Thérèse said...

Un bel hommage a ces dames!

'Tsuki said...

She looks so concentrated... Good pic.

Lowell said...

No air conditioning? They do look hot!

Daryl said...

reminds me of the two 'chefs' that work at the Irving Farms coffee place near me .. they do all the baking on premise and its hot hot hot in that little kitchen

TheChieftess said...

Great photo Bibi!!!

But I have to admit...my immediate thought was Lucille Ball in the episode where she's working in a candy factory and the conveyor belt goes a little nuts!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.