Wednesday, August 15, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"E" is for "ever on the lookout"

It's I who am ever on the alert for a photo, not this fellow whom I spied while visiting a photo exhibit across from his terrace.  The photo is a bit fuzzy; dirty window to shoot through.

See other E's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Carver said...

Good shot and I think it's very clear for shooting through a window. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Luis Gomez said...

You never know who is watching!

Roger Owen Green said...


ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Thérèse said...

At the right time at the right place for everyone! And a nice framing to complete the work... :-)

Birdman said...

Lookin' for breakfast??????

Chubskulit Rose said...

Nice catch!

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

Lowell said...

You're as sneaky as I am. Love it! He needs to stand taller and suck in that tummy! :-)

Are you an artist?

Daryl said...

love this .. read an article this past weekend about a photographer who comes to your home and shoots pix of your neighbors (with their consent) through your windows .. its a comment on voyarism ..

'Tsuki said...

That is ugly naked guy, from Friends !!! Excellent !

joanne said...

Yuk, does he even have pants on? the balcony he's on though...

Alexa said...

I used to have a Naked Guy in an apartment facing my former office—but he was in really good shape (and a bit of a distraction, truth be told). Nice shot, and I like this guy's balcony if not his physique!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.