Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sheikh Mustafa's 'turbe'

Above is a photo of Sheikh Mustafa's 'turbe' or tomb, on a side street in downtown Belgrade. This tomb, dating from the end of the 18th century, had fallen into ruin, but thanks to the Turkish International Cooperation and Coordination Agency, it will be restored.

Ironic, some say, that the building is  being restored by the Turks, who occupied Serbia and parts of the former Yugoslavia for 500 years, beginning with the Battle of Kosovo in 1389. The number 1389 scribbled on the wall above stands for the nationalistic movement you can read about here.


Gaelyn said...

Looks like a building worth restoring.

Luis Gomez said...

Thank you Bibi. Very interesting post.

Olivier said...

c'est bete qu'elle soit taggué

J e l e n a said...

Saw it on the news. Thank God someone is willing to restore it.

Daryl said...

Fascinating ... I guess the city grew around the tomb .. otherwise its an odd place for someone's remains

Alexa said...

Is the sheikh actually in there? If so, even more of a shame to have let this fall to ruin. Glad they're fixing it up.

Lowell said...

Ah, such long and violent histories follow us all over the world. This poor tomb does need repair, though, and it will be good that it is no longer an eyesore.

Do you think anyone in Belgrade cares whether or not this tomb is restored?

Anonymous said...

Love for criminals, invaders...?Madness!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.