Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"F" is for "Furry feline feet"

My friend Vuk's kitten...lounging on the table.

See other F's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gemma Wiseman said...

That's a cute little relaxed paw! Love this adorable macro!

Luis Gomez said...

Sweet! I love this kind of shots.

'Tsuki said...

Well my cats are a little more active than yours....

Check it out !!!


Reader Wil said...

Beautiful photo and very good words starting with F. I love cats.
Wil, ABC Team.

Roger Owen Green said...

fine feline foot
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tamera said...

Very sweet. Cats always have the cutest little feet :^)

Gaelyn said...

That is precious.

Thérèse said...

Sounds pretty healthy. :-)
Super nice close up!

Barbara said...

Ahhh, such sweet little paws. I was going to do feline too but then decided my cats get more than enough exposure on my blog!

Olivier said...

un petit coup de patte, belle composition

Daryl said...

so sweet .. love love love cat feet

Birdman said...

Cats have a way to show relaxation with paw placement. Ah....

Alexa said...

Sweet. I am newly catless, and I really miss my kitties' furry feline feet—and all the rest of them too. :~{

Ann said...

Awwww how cute is that F word.

joanne said...

Don't think I ever looked so closely at the bottom of a cat's paw! Good imagination For 'F'.....

Bergson said...

je crois voir une grosse activité au niveau de la sieste


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.