Thursday, August 23, 2012

He would have been proud...

A bittersweet post today.... Today marks the 4th anniversary of my husband's passing, something my children and I still have difficulty coming to terms with.  Above are my two grandchildren, Mila, now just over one, and Luka, who is a little over three months old.

He would have been so proud....


Luis Gomez said...

My thoughts with you Bibi.

Olivier said...

un moment dur a passer, mais maintenant tu as tes petits enfants et cela donne un autre sens a la vie. de tout coeur avec toi en cette journee

Juliette said...

My heart is with you.

Gaelyn said...

He is proud looking down and watching you all.

Lowell said...

The pain lessens but never goes could he not be proud of these two sweeties! Soon you'll be able to sit these two down and tell them all about their grandfather!

Sorry, I know nothing of the portal. Seems to have disappeared.

Daryl said...

hugs, my friend, big comforting hugs

Thérèse said...

Bien sur... mais quelle belle nouvelle génération pour perpétuer de beaux souvenirs!

Julie said...

They look delightful, and I am sure you gave them hugs from him. Take care.

Alexa said...

I love your husband's favorite Emerson quote, and he surely would have won the affection of his beautiful grandchildren. Thinking of you . . .


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.