Monday, August 6, 2012

Man, it's HOT!!

It is sweltering and I so wanted to join these terracotta figures in a fountain downtown.  They and other terracotta sculptures nearby are part of BELEF, Belgrade's summer festival.

Hot your way?  How are you keeping cool?


Olivier said...

la cuisson est bonne, ils sont bien rouge ;)) curieuse cette fontaine

Tamera said...

It's been very hot here as well. Finally we've gotten some cool weather over the last couple of days. Otherwise I'd want to jump into that fountain too!

J e l e n a said...

As far as I can remember we never had so much humidity in Belgrade when I was growing up. Electric bill is going up this month, that is for sure.
Terracotta sculptures again this year. I would have given a chance to some other artists this year, something different.

Emm said...

Those are great! Do you think they'll remain after the festival is over?
It is so-so in London. Some good days, mostly you wish you had your cardigan with you.

brattcat said...

marvelous top shot. spending a lot of time in front of the fan.

Birdman said...

RED hot!

Daryl said...

love stuff like that

Lowell said...

Fantastic! What a great place and super shots. Someone has a terrific sense of humor!

Thérèse said...

Non ce n'est pas vraiment la chaleur par ici mais ce n'est pas grave, la pluie par contre n'est pas sympathique!
J'aime beaucoup cet ensemble original et la photo une en particulier.

TheChieftess said...

Interesting sculpture...interesting shot...
Take your shoes off Bibi and join them!!!

Alexa said...

That's so cool (so to speak). And that fountain looks pretty inviting to me too. I hate air-conditioning and don't turn mine on unless we're up around triple digits and high humidity too—but I had it on yesterday.

Unknown said...

I like "in place" sculptures like this

Nadezda said...

Elle est superbe cette fontaine !!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.