Friday, August 24, 2012


I've always been fascinated how different countries stack, roll, or bale their hay.  Someone passed on to me once a blog of a man who posted photos of just this, but I can't find it...

These big rolls were stacked along a road to Obedska Pond on a recent road trip.

See other skies at SKYWATCH.


Anonymous said...

Being from California I never knew hay was "Baled" any other way than in cubes to flake until I traveled to the UK as an adult! Then I noticed the other types of hay condensing in the regions of the USA too.
Any way shape or form this makes me think of Indian Summer with Autumn just around the corner!
Beautiful photo!

Gemma Wiseman said...

These bales of hay seem to be stacked in an unusual way to me! They seem to be lying sideways! A great rural view under beautiful skies!

HansHB said...

A great sky-post!

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot!

Alexa said...

Someone was definitely making hay while the sun shines!

Thérèse said...

Mon Dieu, mon Dieu...
En me rendant en Normandie il y a une dizaine de jours, je me suis aperçue qu'il y avait de nouveau des bottes de paille qui apparaissaient dans les champs.

Julie said...

Bibi : the CDPB Theme Day is on again next weekend, 1st September, and the theme is 'People Watching'. You are welcome to contribute to Eric's Face Book group page ( or to the Linky page for those who do not frequent FB ( I hope you are able to contribute.

Cheers and take care

'Tsuki said...

I have a (lots of ) sixpacks to answer to you :

Or a sculpture, if you like it best :

Enjoy !!!

Lowell said...

Hey there, you with the bales on your mind.

I've not seen stacks like this here. I don't think. Interesting composition.

Andy said...

In my area the farmers use the cube and the roll. Most of the rolls are now wrapped in plastic.

Bergson said...

j'adore cet empillage


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.