Monday, August 13, 2012

White jeans

A pair of white jeans drying on a terrace in the town of Trstenik caught my eye....


Lowell said...

Nice contrasting colors. Won't see that in Stone Creek. We can't hang anything outside! Not even someone who deserves it! Darn!

Daryl said...

wonderful catch!

Alexa said...

I love to see laundry drying in the sun—not an everyday sight where I live.

Lowell said...

Hi Pat! Re your question on Ocala: Yes, Patrick is very much Francais! We wondered, too, 'cause Patrick is not what I think of as a French name. Very nice person!

Bergson said...

une tri couleur que j'adore blanc vert mauve extra

Thérèse said...

Le Vert semble également nickel!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.