Thursday, September 20, 2012

Roman days in Hrtkovci

True, there is nothing Roman about this Serbian girl, except that her village, Hrtkovci celebrates Roman Days every year in September. Near the village of Hrtkovci (HURT-kuv-tsee) lies an ancient Roman excavation (Gomolava). I went to the celebration this year, with lots of people in togas and even more folk dancing from various regions of the former Yugoslavia.

It's the custom here for people (men/men, women/women, men/women) to kiss three times when they greet each other, and someone got her!


Olivier said...

beau portrait avec ce suprenant smack sur la joue

Gaelyn said...

Sweet. Did you dress up for the occasion?

Birdman said...

Where are the 2 other kisses?

Alexa said...

So sweet! My daughters and I always share kisses (just twice, comme les français) when we say hi and bye. Always makes me feel good.

Thérèse said...

Une jolie marque! Un beau visage, une belle coutume.

Stefan Jansson said...

I am yet to try this way of saying hello, but it looks nice!

Lowell said...

How sweet! But why, all of a sudden, am I singing, "Kiss me once, or kiss me twice..."?

Daryl said...

pretty girl .. smile, pretty girl


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.