Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"J" is for "Jewelry"

You've seen jewelry right here and a disembodied arm on this earlier post, so here's a combination of both with a disembodied hand.

See more J's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Ann said...

I do love jewelry, most of mine is costume except for a few pieces.

Anonymous said...

Thanks an expensive post.

Birdman said...


Roger Owen Green said...

Like the white glove treatment; seems elegant.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kate said...

Jewelry is a girl's best friend! Kate, ABC Team

Alexa said...

Love the way the angle of the hand mimics the shape of the necklace stands in this display. (And I always look forward to seeing what you post for ABC Wed.)

Thérèse said...

Nice move!
Yesterday we saw the same kind of black pearls in ANdorra, after two hours of eye shopping we left the country very disappointed... the landscape was stunning though. We will go back with hiking shoes.

Virginia said...

I"m assuming there is a body attached to his h and! LOL

TheChieftess said...

Ah!!! My favorite windows to browse!!!

Lowell said...

It seems that as we get older, jewelry becomes less important. That may be just because we don't go out into real "society" as often! Some of these old folks with whom I live seem to have a jewelry fetish...they get all decked out to go to McDonald's!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely selection of jewelries.

Juice in Jars
Your comment always bring joy to me, so leave me one when you can.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.