Tuesday, October 16, 2012

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple...I think....

Or maybe bright green, what the heck!  If you'd like to read the entire "When I am an old woman" poem, click right here.


Luis Gomez said...

Love it! It ain't easy being green!

Gaelyn said...

I already wear bright purple with aqua, red's not my color, and I'm not yet an old woman.

dianasfaria.com said...

There is something very sweet about this shot.

Olivier said...

et pourtant ce n'est pas la st patrick ;))

Pat said...

Gaelyn, I agree! I already wear shades of purple though; always liked that color.

Tamera said...

She's got style!

Lowell said...

Funny poem, great picture and lots of truth there. When you get to be a certain age, some things just ain't as important as they used to be!

Daryl said...

stylish ...

Nenad said...

Somehow I have the feeling this is the same person from the in post “Weekend reflection - fall fashion” from October 6.

Am I right?

Laloofah said...

I've always loved that poem, but as this sweet photo illustrates, green is clearly a great fashion choice too! (Purple and green are my favorite colors, so I'm all set for my golden years wardrobe, lol). I love how her bag matches her jacket, and that's quite the jaunty hat!

Virginia said...

Now we have the Red Hat Society around here due to that poem. I prefer maybe a red scarf or even better...shoes!

TheChieftess said...

Perhaps a combination of the two with a splash of red???


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.