Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY--"N" is for "Niš"

Pretty spooky.  These skulls are part of a gruesome tower built by the Turks after the Battle of Cegar Hill (CHEH-gar) near the city of Nis (NEESH) in 1809.

This warning to future Serbian rebels was erected using over 900 skulls of slain Serbs, but only 52 remain.  Check out the whole story on this site.
Check out other N's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Roger Owen Green said...

yeesh. gruesome, indeed

Leslie: said...

All I can think of is the word "gruesome" - indeed it is gruesome, considering what all happened in that war! Will mankind NEVER learn?

abcw team

Alexa said...

Yup, gruesome is the word—but I think your photo is fabulous.

'Tsuki said...

So you're a living dead soul too !

Come check out my collection of bones :

(non of them are as real as yours)

I found your picture awesome, and I particulary like the angle you chose. It is their best profil indeed !!! :)

'Tsuki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carol l mckenna said...

Just in time for Halloween ~ dreadful thought ~ ( A Creative Harbor)

Nenad said...

Almost everywhere on the Internet you can see nice, feel good, touristic pictures of the skulls that represent Ćele Kula. Your picture is unique and totally different.
Only THIS picture deserves to be part of the official web site about Niš and Ćele Kula.

Gaelyn said...

Excellent capture. The story is so sad.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Spooky indeed!

Nuggets of Wisdom
Rose, ABC Wednesday

Olivier said...

tres belle photo, et des convives pas trop bavard

Thérèse said...

Bon c'est une bonne façon de commencer la journée... je vais vite aller me faire un petit café... said...

nice shot Bibi.
& very scary - I believe I would heed their warning.

Laloofah said...

The subject may be gruesome, but your photo is compelling and skillfully wrought. I find the photo and the story more tragic than gruesome ~ such carnage, so many lives cut violently short. I think their skulls - and that wall - still carry a clear message of warning, though of a different sort now.

Lowell said...

Good grief! Ugh! Happy Halloween?

Daryl said...

fabulous .. especially the perspective ..

Virginia said...

Gruesome but beautifully photographed Bibi.

TheChieftess said...

Yes...gruesome...but beautifully photographed as V said!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.