Thursday, October 18, 2012

Where do you buy your newspaper, if you still do?

I still buy a paper newspaper rather than read online. A local one, at least; American ones I read online.

But my online versions don't have a smiling person like Mladje, my local newspaper man.  (And yes, I gave him a photo!)


Julie said...

Nah .. I read all mine online. But I am slowly less trusting of what was once called 'the press'. We have quite a few on-line only publications that I trust more to come at me without their own agenda. I think that is Mr Murdoch's responsibility!

Alexa said...

The Sunday Times gets delivered to my door—which lets me read it all week online. But I like your local newspaperman and his colorful shop.

Birdman said...

I get a free one at work. Still enjoy the words in my hands.

Tash said...

I'm ashamed to admit it but neither. Had LA Times delivered for a while recently and stopped reading cuz it just got me down. The most news I get is listening to NPR and Market Place during the morning commute.

BY the way, I'd buy BAZAR and Zabavnik! And cevape and lepinje! And then look for Burek! I'd be so fat if I got my newspaper there. Speaking of good Balkan dishes, Have you heard Las Balkanieras. Just love their videos said...

I get the Sunday Times at 7-11, a 24 hour convenience store on Long Island & the people who sell it are all very smiley there too.
I used to get my paper at a place like this when I lived in Manhattan. I always liked to do so for the same reason you illustrate in your photo.
It's nice you gave him a copy-who knows if he has any of himself from where he works.

Tash said...

We had a news kiosk right outside the building in Tuzla. The newspaperman there was very nice. Yours has such a pleasant face.

Gaelyn said...

Never really was into reading the newspaper. And haven't lived where there are newspaper stands.

Olivier said...

portrait sympa de ce marchand de journaux

Thérèse said...

Still enjoying the newspaper almost once a week, at weekends... more expensive but it lasts usually all the week... :-)

TheChieftess said...

TheChief picks the weekend papers up at the grocery delivery here in Mammoth! I'm not much of a newspaper reader, though I try to read the two local rags (both weeklys) least occasionally!!! Otherwise it's tv news and radio news for me!!!

Nenad said...

Odlicno, sad mogu i cene u Beogradu da pratim preko Vaseg bloga.
Hvala puno.

barbarianthemadserb said...

In the USA I read Wall Street Journal every day. When I visit Karan, Serbia I go to the local store every morning and pickup at least 3 Serbian newspapers (non Cyrillic as I can't read Cyrillic) and slowly try to read articles of interest in Serbian jesik (I also use my Serbo/English dictionary or Google Translate on my Phone when stuck). I read on line also but there is much to be said to have that paper in hand in front of me.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.