Wednesday, November 28, 2012

ABC WEDNESDAY: "T" is for "thorns"

These long and sharp thorns are Mother Nature's way of saying, "Don't climb me...."

See other T's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...


Roger Owen Green said...

what a pain...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

OOOHHH! What kind of tree IS that?

abcw team

photowannabe said...

Oh my, that looks painful.
No way, I'm not climbing that. Of course, I don't climb trees anyway. (:0)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Ouch! I am not familiar with this variety of tree, but I am certain that I would not be tempted to climb it!


Gaelyn said...

I'll follow that message.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...


Bergson said...

le nid d'un hérisson ?

Alexa said...

That is one well-protected tree! I won't be climbing it either (not that I would anyway, but still).

Lowell said...

I shall obey Mother Nature! I do not like pain. And Mother Nature can be a real pain much of the time.

My regular blogs are inactive. I'm posting at L & L Photography here:

Daryl said...

there are several trees like that in Riverside Park .. my husband calls them the Jesus Crown trees ...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.