Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nowadays probably not...

I'm fairly certain this must be some saint blessing or protecting a young boy, but I can't help but think that nowadays no one would dare put this on a facade.  Anyone know who the man in question is?


Gaelyn said...

Yet it's a marvelous piece of art.

Thérèse said...

Si c'était un saint je dirais St Christophe. C'est beau.

Lowell said...

Ugh! Sorry, this one is too representative of what's gone on for too many years.

dianasfaria.com said...

I think you are right about this.

Daryl said...

Coach Sandusky? Kidding ....

Alexa said...

I'd go with Christopher too. As for the sculpture itself,
you're right—it would never happen!

Bergson said...

je sais pas si cette fresque pourrais être faite à notre époque

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nope, it would never happen. Nice work though. I'm really intrigued about it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.