Thursday, December 13, 2012

He's black....

Remember this fellow whom I showed you a few weeks back?  He was dressed in a white suit before, but now he's a Man in Black. He drives a taxi....with style.


Luis Gomez said...


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What an interesting character with red hair, white beard, and red tie... hope you run into him again!


Olivier said...

personnellement je préfère le costume blanc, mais il a la classe

Neptun said...

His sense of fashion is not the only thing strange about him. The steering wheel in his car on the wrong side. (You can see it in the older photo)

Deveti Putnik said...

White stockings on black shoes... Priceless.

Pat said...

Hi, Neptun. I wondered about the wheel, too, but if you look closely at the first photo, I think it really is to the left of the rear-view mirror. And in this photo, it doesn't seem visible on the right side, so who knows? Maybe next time I'll get a better shot...and who knows what he'll be wearing then! :<)

Lowell said...

Great shot. Looks like a mafia hit man on his way to do a job!

Daryl said...

his gloves match his socks .. what a hoot, what a great catch

Alexa said...

Maybe he also has a red suit—to match his taxi! Hope you do run into this fellow again.

Thérèse said...

Amusant, ce serait amusant de voir sa garde-robe! Mais on l'aura bientôt en photos grâce à votre perspicacité.

WieczneBG said...

I can confirm that this guy has the steering wheel on the right-hand side. I see him quite often near Terazije. It's definitely English (or Australian or Japanese) type of a car.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.