Wednesday, February 27, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"G" is for "graffiti and a girl"

The title says it all.....

See other G's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Alexa said...

Not really attractive in any language, is it, Bibi?

Richard Lawry said...

I don't like the graffiti, but it does make an interesting photo.
An Arkies Musings

Luis Gomez said...

Colorful capture Bibi!

Roger Owen Green said...

oddly engrossing
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Birdman said...


Daryl said...

what a wonderful catch this is ... said...

this is wonderful & also convinces me, I am starting a doorway board on Pinterest right now! & yours will be the first one I put up!

brattcat said...

this image really engages the viewer.

Lowell said...

There must not have been many options for a place to sit. She looks a bit bewildered amidst that godawful graffit!

Leslie: said...

Some graffiti is truly artistic and other graffiti is truly just junk.

abcw team


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.