Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday to my son today....  I remember exactly when this photo was taken by my good friend, Francois.  My son and I were on our way to buy his first pair of shoes.


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Sweet friend, what a wonderful photo and memory for you. Now, he is buying shoes for a little one, too.


Thérèse said...

Superbe et déjà avec l'amour de la photo...
Ressemblance dans les yeux.

brattcat said...

what a dear shot...happy birthday to your son.

Luis Gomez said...

Lovely! Thank you.

Daryl said...

wonderful ... happy belated birthday to him

dianasfaria.com said...

this is SO beautiful Bibi! I thought that girl looked just like you! - makes me glad I remembered you as you are.
: )

Lowell said...

What a wonderful memory jerker, Happy birthday to your handsome son!


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.