Monday, February 11, 2013

"Happiness is when we're together!"

"Happiness is when we're together!" reads the Coca Cola ad behind these not-so-happy people standing together at a downtown bus stop.  And it wasn't even cold that day to be waiting.

Only the bear looks happy....but then, he's got a Coke.

6 comments: said...

Ha! this is great.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a great capture! I have a Christmas ornament that looks just like that bear with the Coke.


Thérèse said...

... but the bus was probably real late and there was this photograph on the other side of the street... :-)
The ad is incredible!

Daryl said...

love it.. people there are just like NYers .. ignore the obvious

Alexa said...

Like Daryl said. (And it took this NYer a second to register that the bear is 3-dimensional.) Great capture!

Nenad said...

Hahaha .. veoma satiricno.
Usput sam hteo Pat da te pitam da li si slucajno obrisala moj blog sa liste ili ti se ne svidja vise ... Nije problem nikakav, samo me interesuje razlog ili mozda imas neki savet da se popravim. Ujedno me interesuje koliko si savladala srpski.
Pozdrav ...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.