Thursday, February 7, 2013

Off the hook.

Off the hook and definitely out of commission, unlike these telephones that I showed you last September.

A predicament like the one in the song  "Off the Hook" by the Rolling Stones wouldn't be possible today unless you have a rotary phone.  Do you?

 Wanna listen?


Jilly said...

Oh this is wonderful Pat. You know I used to keep old phones and then moved and moved again - they went by the wayside. Love the photo.

brattcat said...

i loved the solid weight of this phone style. even as a child there was something quite satisfying about "holding the phone".

Lowell said...

Looks like you found this is a dusty antique shop. Haven't had a rotary phone in years. Don't even have a home phone line anymore!

Alexa said...

Thanks for taking me back almost 50 years with this post! (Wasn't expecting to time-travel today, but . . .)

Daryl said...

oh mick you were so very young ...

great capture

TheChieftess said...

I miss the heavy phones!!! We have one phone hooked to our landline via a cord...if you pick up the hand set to answer the phone, the cord picks up the lightweight base at the same time and the phone frequently falls off the table...what a pain!!! But we live in an area where the electricity goes out and satellite signals disappear so we keep our corded landline!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.