Friday, February 8, 2013

SKYWATCH--streaks over the steeple

Aircraft streaks in the sky over the steeple of Belgrade's main church.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Thérèse said...

All kinds of arrows in display!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

This beautifully crafted steeple looks to be rising out of a misty lagoon. Very ethereal.


Anonymous said...

So lovely and otherworldly!

Anonymous said...

So lovely and otherworldly!

Liz said...

Lovely sky. Happy sky watching.

My sky.

Anonymous said...
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Luis Gomez said...


Daryl said...

sky look a bit like crumpled paper

Anonymous said...

Errie feelings.

Dorothee said...

great atmosphere!

Lowell said...

Very well composed. You were quick on the shutter on this one.

Alexa said...

This is so beautiful.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.