Monday, February 4, 2013

The monument, the tower, the film

The upper photo shows you the skeletal tower of what was originally an observation tower on what is now called the Old Fairgrounds, which were constructed just before the outbreak of WWII.  Afterwards, the fairgrounds were turned into a Nazi concentration camp. I've shown you the tower and the monument before.

The lower photo shows director Goran Paskaljevic's latest film, When Day Breaks (Kad Svane Dan), a partially true story (the main character is based on Paskaljevic's co-writer, Filip David's experiences) of a man who suddenly discovers his true identity and that his real parents had died in the camp.  You can read more about this film right here.

The last photo is also a shameless plug on my part. I did the English subtitles, so if it comes to your theater, hang around and read the credits.  :-)


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You did the English subtitles? I am very impressed and promise to wait to see your name, only if they do not roll it too quickly.

From what I read on the link you provided, it will be a movie that I will want to see.


Thérèse said...

Just hoping it will come to our small town and I am confident it will, Utopia being an awesome art house cinema.
I will certainly need the subtitles :-) said...

now I must see it just because of your part in the movie!

Alexa said...

I always hang around for the credits—but in this case I'll be looking for you!

Daryl said...


and apparently i am late wishing you a happy birthday .. xo


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.