Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Bridges--walking away....or toward?

Another one of my photos taken with my little Minox Classic Digital 5.1.  You can see it has a small sensor, but sometimes I like the effect it makes when I dabble with the photo in Photoshop....

Been thinking a lot about people who walk into our lives....and out....and perhaps in again.

Is this person walking away from someone/something or walking toward someone/something?  It's all in how you look at it, like the 'glass is half full' or 'glass is half empty'....

I digress.  There's a bridge in the distance, so I'm posting this not only for those who have walked in and out of my life and perhaps back again, but also for Louis La Vache's  SUNDAY BRIDGES.


Tash said...

a thought provoking post! I am glad to have some of my virual friends back in my life. i missed the contact while on hiatus.

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Technically, the glass is always full. What isn't occupied by liquid is occupied by air.
Great post, Bibi, and «Louis» thanks you for linking it to Sunday Bridges.

s.c said...

It is difficult to see but so is the bridge. Still it illustrates the mood and thought perfect. Nice experiment.

Thérèse said...

Smaller world by the day :-)

Thérèse said...

Oui le Musée des Augustins se trouver à Toulouse. Le problème était que c'était ma première visite et j'ai admiré en ne prenant qu'un minimum de photos... je dois y retourner nombres de fois pour assimiler ce qu'il y a à voir...

Suburban Girl said...

Neat effect.

TheChieftess said...

Love this!!! I love how you've been processing your Minox shots!!! Glad you "walked into my life" when you visited Bishop, CA!!!

Richard Lawry said...

Looks like an impressionist painting
An Arkies Musings

Daryl said...

love that effect


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.