Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "M" is for "male"

Right in step....

See other M's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leslie: said...

I have to laugh! Can't MISS it, can you?

abcw team

RedPat said...


Alexa said...

I hope you have "pooper scooper" laws in Belgrade.

Roger Owen Green said...

Yup, male all right...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

What were you trying to capture in this pic?

Pat said...

Anonymous, no, just a random street shot.

MaR said...

LOL, great capture for the theme!!

m is for ...

Thérèse said...

Not a better explanation for sure!
J'ai bien ri en voyant la photo.

Master said...

Defintely MALE ;)

Daryl said...


Kate said...

Well, at least one of them is leashed!

TheChieftess said...

Verrry male!!!

Richard Lawry said...

Made me smile
An Arkies Musings

CreativaCale said...

Imate smisla za humor.Nasmejala sam se.

Jilly said...

He's fun. I love Harlequin Danes. x

Unknown said...

So which male is walking who here?

Made me smile, nice shot for sure.


 GORGEOUS day here in Belgrade. Waiting for some friends on a psrk bench. Gardeners are tending the lavender that grows here and its scent f...