Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Crocheted and fur

Here you still see women wearing fur. This coat appears very old, and its wearer isn't so young. I imagine she may have crocheted the shawl she's wearing over the coat.  Times are hard....she rummaged through the dumpster just out of my photo near the pigeons.


Virginia said...

OH bless her. Yes, times are hard everywhere. SO very sad.

Tash said...

the shawl is so pretty. so sad she has to dumpster dive.

Lowell said...

What a poignant photo! She probably has a number of tales to tell. From the coat and the boots and the shawl, I'd guess that at one time she didn't worry about finding enough food.

Alexa said...

There but for fortune . . .

Thérèse said...

Passage de l'hiver au printemps, du poil au fil...
La vie est dure pour beaucoup.

Daryl said...

another wonderful street portrait


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