Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back in Serbia

I'm back in Serbia, and guess who's glad to see me?  Granddaughter Mila will be two next month.

Off for two weeks soon to France, short but sweet, and back in time for her birthday!


Alexa said...

And I'll bet you're glad to see her too! What a cutie.

Tamera said...

What a cutie pie!

brattcat said...

is it good to be home? hard to leave u.s. family...wonderful to reunite with belgrade family. said...

Awwwwww! she is ADORABLE!!! you must be so happy to be home Bibi.

TheChieftess said...

Such a sweetie!!! Happy homecoming!!! And of course...travels to France!!!


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...