Wednesday, June 26, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"X" is for "XS"

Extra-small (XS) is what this Yorkie is. How would you like to walk around amidst giants all day long?

See other X's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Reader Wil said...

Nice post, Bibi! The little dog must feel very insignificant, I think. Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, an XS canine indeed!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Olivier said...

tu fais un hommage au photographe Erwitt ;)

Mo said...

Shouldn't he/she be in a giant handbag?

Leslie: said...

It's pretty cute, but I prefer larger breeds of dogs. I have a yellow (well, she's actually white) labrador retriever.

abcw team

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I would be alert so that I would not be stepped on! Adorable! Wish I was going to be in Paris with you...


Thérèse said...

Probably no fun at all. Or such fear!

Alexa said...

Often it's the tiny dogs that are the feistiest. It could be that this pup doesn't even realize how XS she is!

Daryl said...

thats as scary as seeing people with babies in strollers in the subway at rush hour

Rhodesia said...

We had a little one like this in S.Africa, rescue dog with only 3 legs. It was quite adorable. Thanks for your contact. Diane

TheChieftess said...

My big ol' Golden Retriever would love to play with this little guy!!! One of her favorite playmates is a Chihuahua and Jack Russel terrier mix!

Lowell said...

It's no wonder these wee things tend to be very antsy and yippy. Everywhere they look someone's just about to step on them!

aarongrey112 said...

cute little dog.

check out Insurance blog

Indrani said...

This is so cute. Small is always beautiful!

ChrisJ said...

No wonder small dogs are feisty. It must be stressful having to watch out for big feet all day, every day said...

Priscilla is a Yorkie and she has no idea how small she is!


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.