Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY--"E" is for "eye-catching"

 I just had to get this lady's photo.  She's selling cabbages and other vegetables on the open market near me.  If you've been reading my blog recently, the temperatures have been really high, and one folk remedy for the heat is to place a cabbage leaf on your head....  It has a cooling effect, so they say. Same holds true for nursing mothers who are experiencing bouts of mastitis....though you place the cabbage leaf elsewhere.

See other E's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Roger Owen Green said...

Well, SOMETHING caught HER eye.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kate said...

It doesn't look like there's much relief from the heat. Any remedy that works!! Kate, ABC Team

Leslie: said...

I think people would think I were mad crazy if I did that! lol But whatever works!

abcw team

TheChieftess said...

Hmmmm...I've never tried a cabbage on the head!!! said...

She is wonderful! & I thought that was fabric on her head...

Alexa said...

Well, she does look fairly cool . . . and this costs a lot less than air-conditioning!

Lowell said...

I've not heard of a cabbage patch on one's head. Maybe I'll try it the next time I play golf! :)

Fascinating portrait of a woman who looks as those she has many stories to tell.

Suzanne said...

I really like open markets like this, when I lived abroad for a year I went to one in particular that had all sorts of folks like this.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.