Wednesday, September 25, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "K" is for "K-9"

Belgian Shepherds like the one you see here are often used around the world as police dogs, members of various K-9 corps.

This one though seems to be pretty much of a lap dog...maybe he's retired, like his owner.

See other K's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku

We need to snuggle
A warm, soft, furry body
Be it man or beast


Carver said...

He's a beautiful dog. Carver, ABC Wed. Team said...

he certainly looks comfy!

Leslie: said...

Lovely shot! No matter the size, all dogs want to sit on your lap! lol

abcw team

photowannabe said...

K9 is perfect for this weeks ABC Wednesday.
We watched a K9 demonstration this last Saturday. I would never want to be on the wrong end of that police dog!

Roger Owen Green said...

"nice dog, good doggie.."
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Alexa said...

What a sweet photo! I have a memory of landing in Venice some years ago and having my luggage sniffed by one of these dogs and my own self sniffed by another one. (They both did an excellent job.)

Gaelyn said...

Shepards are so smart.

Thérèse said...

C;est un bien gros chien pour s'asseoir sur les genoux, cela prouve qu'il est bien aimé.

MaR said...

Very nice! I didn't know about K9 :)

K is for ...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.