Saturday, August 1, 2015

THEME DAY--Bicycle

I'm still in the US until next weekend, so this is a repost from 2013....a Serbian bike and its owner....

The writing on the wall reads "Taš" (Tash), the familiar word for Tašmajdan Park downtown.

Check out bikes around the world right here.


Olivier said...

au debut j'avais pense a un homme faisant sa priere

Thérèse said...

Haiku et image font un.

Indrani said...

Nice haiku done. :)

Alexa said...

I like this shot. Somewhat coincidentally, this morning as I was walking over the Brooklyn Bridge I met my favorite yoga teacher, who was biking across it.

Daryl said...

is that the waiting bike pose?

Bergson said...

prendre un vélo pour aller faire du yoga dans la rue ! étrange non?

Tash said...

Tash --- that's me. :)
Neat capture.

Julie said...

Bibi, this has a comment by Tash. Are you aware she passed early in May?

Denton said...

An interesting list on when I Google "TAW Belgrade" however I don't think I found an explanation from Google ... may not want to know.

LOLfromPasa said...

I love this...wonderfully peaceful!

DCH said...

Just like there are many bicycle riders in Belgrade, there are many different religions too, so this post really gives that important depth to Belgrade and its tolerance and multiculturalism, which foreign tourists have to have in mind, when they weigh their decision whether to come or not to come in Belgrade. Thanks from DCH, we're waiting with open arms for those who decide to visit Belgrade.


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...