Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spiderman wannabe

He lacks the tight blue body suit and he seems to be a bit slower in scaling this wall in Kalemegdan, but this aspiring man did work his way up....

Are you into rock climbing?   It's not for me, and the 'because it's there' argument for scaling mountains and high peaks isn't either.

Daily Haiku

Many spend their lives
Climbing and losing their way
Struggling to the top


Gaelyn said...

Many visitors ask about rock climbing in the canyon but the rock is very crumbly so not a good idea. I don't mind an occasional boulder hop though.

Thérèse said...

We have the same kinds of rock climbers using the pink bricks walls along the Garonne! Quite a view.

TheChieftess said...

I totally agree with you!!!

Olivier said...

Spiderman a aussi debute sur des petits murs, alors courage il va y arriver ;)

Lowell said...

I'm wondering if this is a good idea or will he screw up the rock wall. And if he falls on his head he may screw that up, too. If possible. :)

Richard Lawry said...

I went to school in Boulder, Colorado and had friends who were rock climbers, but I was always to chicken to try it.
An Arkie's Musings

Alexa said...

I have a good friend who summited Everest on his 65th birthday. While I was hugely impressed with his feat, I'm with you!

Tash said...

this is fabulous! love the bug and the colors.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.