Monday, September 16, 2013

The brassfounder

 This is Dušan (DOO-shan), a brassfounder ( I had to look that up; it's a person who works brass.)  He has a small workshop not far from Kalemegdan Park. I'd been by several times while walking down the narrow street that runs in front of his shop, but never went in, though I'd been intrigued by the darkness and the twinkling objects inside.  

I didn't venture in even now to buy anything, but rather to have a piece of metal frame removed from my old-fashioned backpack.  This he happily did, while explaining this and that about his work.  He produces various objects like the candle holder you see here and the crescent and moon.  Dušan said that these are his best-selling works.

Daily Haiku

You never can foresee
Surprises that await you
Down a narrow street


Gaelyn said...

He obviously takes great pride in his work.

Thérèse said...

Comme quoi l'occasion peut faire decouvrir des vies bien interessantes.

Unknown said...
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Olivier said...

je connaissais pas ce metier "brassfounder" , voila une rencontre sympa

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful portrait.

Alexa said...

What an interesting shop it must be (and what a nice portrait of Dusan. I'm going to guess that there isn't a brassfounder to be found here in Manhattan. said...

I think I would have to go inside and check out his shop.
I like this portrait Bibi.

TheChieftess said...

Great portrait of this interesting man!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.