Sunday, September 8, 2013

SUNDAY BRIDGES--the bridges of Grocka

Grocka (pronounced GROT-ska) is a community about a half an hour's drive from Belgrade.  The region is known for its fruit, and many Belgraders have weekend houses there.

A week ago on Saturday I drove there with a friend in the hope of getting some peaches less expensive than in Belgrade...but for some odd reason, their open market was deserted and no street sellers to be found...kind of like the Twilight Zone...

But I did find a photo of a bridge...or three.

HEY!  Drop by's my 2000th post!

See other bridges on Louis La Vache's SUNDAY BRIDGES.

Daily Haiku
Two bridges, no, three
Over a polluted brook
Pink flowers caught my eye


Louis la Vache said...

Great, Bibi! A "hat trick" (three in one).
This doesn't mean you get the next two Sundays off!

Be that as it may, «Louis» thanks you for contributing your "hat trick" to Sunday Bridges!

TheChieftess said...

Great bridge!!! Congratulations on 2000 posts!!!

Gaelyn said...

Sucks about the peaches. These are sweet little bridges even if crossing not much gungy water.

Wow, 2000 posts! That is something to sing and dance about. I'll be back tomorrow.

Elizabeth said...

We discovered Grocka three weeks ago. It's a beautiful little town.

s.c said...

When you see this picture you don't have the idea that you are nearby Belgrado. It could be anywhere. Nice bridge.

Luis Gomez said...


Thérèse said...

Un avant goût du 2000 billet avec cette fleur en coin!
Tu es intarissable en ponts!

Alexa said...

Lovely little bridges; too bad about the brook. (And I really like the haiku today too.)

Shirley said...

Too bad about the market. This scene is very pretty though.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.