Monday, September 9, 2013

Two thousand and counting....

Today is my 2000th post and I've sent myself flowers!  These beauties were for sale in front of the National Theater downtown, where flower sellers gather. The theater season will begin sometime early October.

Have you noticed that many roses, especially but not exclusively, don't have any fragrance at all....?  

Daily Haiku

Red and pink roses
Where is the peppery scent
From my childhood?


Louis la Vache said...

You deserve the big, beautiful bouquet you sent yourself. Here's a bouquet for you from California (or somewhere on the net!)

Olivier said...

Bravo pour ce 2000 emes post, tu mérites ces fleurs..Bonne continuitée

Gunn said...

Well done!
Keep up the very good and interesting blog,ok?

Jo said...

Well Done, a great achievement :)

Luis Gomez said...

Congratulations! Those are beautiful!

Alexa said...

Great big congrats to you! Your roses are lovely and, yes, I have noticed the lack of fragrance. (My father grew 'Crimson Glory' roses that smelled like lemons to me.)

Kris said...

Congrats! 2000 is a real milestone :)

Gaelyn said...

A Huge Congrats! That's a whole lot of magnificent posts.

Shame the scent has been bred out of so many roses. Give me the tiny wilds.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.