"Lastiš" (LASS-teesh) is a game once played by many young girls here in Serbia, though I must admit I haven't seen any demonstrations in a long, long time. My daughter, now just over thirty, used to love to play. I'm not quite sure of the rules, but it's played with a long stretch of elastic (Lastiš) and somehow vaguely reminds me of jump rope.
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See other L's on Mrs. Nesbitt's
Daily Haiku
Jump rope, hopscotch, jacks
Hide and seek, tag, and four-square
What games did you play?
We used to loop elastic bands together to make a long elastic rope and we called it Chinese Skip. We'd loop the band around our legs somehow...and then I forget the rest of the game. Probably sort of like the girls do it there.
abcw team
Not specifically familiar with that term, but all the girls loved to jump rope when I was growing up.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I played something similar but only two people holding the elastic around their ankles and one jumper. Called it Chinese jumprope.
a la difference de la corde a sauter, il semble y avoir 4 coins.
Looks like fun! I would have liked that when I was little.
Looks like one would need to be quite nimble to do this! I'm not going to tell you what games I used to play...well, musical chairs, maybe...or a version thereof...
Kids are quite creative with games. Some last from generation to generation. I worry with all the tech games these days that kids won't have to create fun for themselves. It helps develop creative thinking at a young age. - Margy
sort of a cross between jump rope and double dutch
and ignore my email ... i was not thinking
However it's played, it looks like these girls are pretty good at it. :~} We used to like "Mother May I?"
Oh yes I remember that too, it had many intricate elastic moves crossing and turning.
Wow.. sounds complicated, but the girls seem so good at it.
"Loop elastic" "à l'élastique" oui j'ai vu quelques filles y jouer il y encore pas longtemps. Comme j'aimais ce jeu qui pouvait s'avérer difficile quand il fallait retenir un enchaînement différent...
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