Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monkeys, people, elephants....

 Sights of Jaipur. Above is a photo taken on the way back down from the Monkey Temple, the same one I visited in March of this year.  No monkeys in the photo, but lots at the temple, including an amazing number of baby monkeys.
 Schoolboys wave from a window in a school near the City Palace. Sort of looks like they're in jail, and I guess that's what all schoolkids think sometimes.
A sweet young girl proudly shows off her baby brother at the Elephant Village outside Jaipur.  This is a government-run facility.

Daily Haiku

Creatures great and small
All have their place in this world
Lest we not forget


Gaelyn said...

Lots of bright eye-catching colors.

Thérèse said...

De magnifiques visages de jeunes enfants, l'avenir de notre planète...

Marianne said...

catching up with you in Jaipur. enjoying the photo journey.

Alexa said...

Am so enjoying this lovely vicarious voyage via your great images. Dhanyavaad!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I did saw a monkey on the first photo...


 The  PALACE OF SERBIA, whose official name is the Palace of the Exdcutive Council, is a sprawling building in New Belgrade, and once repres...