Monday, October 28, 2013

When you don't visit the Amber Fort...

I've been to the Amber Fort in Jaipur twice, so I sat it out this time. Actually, I walked for a while, snapping away.  When the heat got to me, I sat inside the lower complex of the fort and was entertained by these three charming young men, who were offering their services as guides. I learned a few words of Hindi, wrote down English and French phrases for the one on the left, and the fellow in the middle invited me to his wedding....when his parents find a suitable bride for him.

Daily Haiku
Encounters by chance
While sitting doing nothing
Are often the best


Olivier said...

portraits sympathiques, avec une superbe vue derriere

Tamera said...

I agree with Olivier, and what a great story to go behind the photos!

Gaelyn said...

Such fine looking young men. You made discoveries of your own outside the Ft. said...

how sweet! I am glad to see you are having fun Bibi.
; )

Lowell said...

Aha! Now I know why you love India so much! It ain't the food… :)

Luis Gomez said...

Really nice post Pat. Glad you are enjoying your trip.

Alexa said...

He shouldn't be too difficult for his parents to "market"—at least if the bride's folks want a handsome son-in-law. :~} Another nice encounter! --

Pat said...

Lowell, Well, there ARE some handsome men here...and I don't even have to rob the cradle, though these young men were fun to chat with and helped fend off the souvenir hawkers.


 GORGEOUS day here in Belgrade. Waiting for some friends on a psrk bench. Gardeners are tending the lavender that grows here and its scent f...