Sunday, October 27, 2013

On the way to Jaipur....

It's 18 hours by train from Varanasi to Jaipur, but for my traveling partner and me the time passed quickly.  Before we went to sleep and when we awoke we had the pleasure of the company of this delightful family.

I've promised them a photo!

Daily Haiku
All over the world
More alike than different
Sharing common bond


Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a beautiful smile on the woman's face as she glances at her precious family. Gorgeous photo.

Gunn said...

What a nice image. I love the colors and smile too.

Have a nice journey!

Greetings from Gunn in Stavanger.

(Stavanger Daily Photo is also on fb.)

Luis Gomez said...


TheChieftess said...

Such nice travel photos!!! Have a wonderful trip!

Alexa said...

I'm playing catch-up. What a nice-looking family (actually, the wife is gorgeous)! I'll bet they were good company.


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