Sunday, November 10, 2013

All iz Well

Sniff, sniff, on the way home, indirectly, with a stop in Delhi before we move on to our departure city, Lucknow.

We stayed at the All Iz Well the name, and loved even more the tremendously successful (a few years back) Hindi film The Three Idiots, in which you can hear the song and watch the video clip All Izz Well that I'm pasting for you below. (Two z's in the song title....) Watch and listen!

Daily Haiku
Things don't always go
Quite the way we want them to
Obstacles are life


Luis Gomez said...

This is great Pat! Thank you. Sorry to hear your trip is ending. Safe travels back home.

Gaelyn said...

Great name for a hotel. The video ending was shocking.

Louis la Vache said...

Hotel All Izz Well!
What a great name!


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