Monday, November 11, 2013


I did a double-take when I saw these winged shoes in a Delhi store window.....  I would love to know who  is going to buy them.

Daily Haiku

 The Greek god Hermes
Wore sandals fitted with wings
Pretty snazzy chap



Indrani said...

Wow! That is a collectible!
Love the Haiku on it. :)

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Who bought those shoes?
The driver of this truck in the Walmart Car Show (scroll down)...

Luis Gomez said...

Super interesting!

Alexa said...

I'd love to see who buys those too—and the outfit they wear to go with them, for that matter!

TheChieftess said...

Makes me think of PF Flyers!!!


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