Wednesday, December 11, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "V" is for "Voluminous"

This lady (I had believed her to be a man) caught my eye as she wandered up a street downtown in this voluminous coat.  She appeared headless....and handless, too.

See other V's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku

Some work with their heads
While others work with their hands
This poor soul can't work...  


Carver said...

That is definitely a voluminous and vast coat. Cool shot. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Roger Owen Green said...

Must be COLD!

Leslie: said...

I guess the man of the house had the warmest coat so what else to do but wear it! Great capture.

abcw team

Alexa said...

Thanks for a good chuckle (from photo AND haiku)!

MaR said...

I thought it was a man, too! It is probably a man's coat what she is wearing. Great shot and choice for V.

V is for ...

Anonymous said...

it looked scary , since the head was missing :) great shot of voluminous and vast coat lady :D.


 I pass this antique shop quite often and have even sold a few things to them. To tell the truth, it isn't completely an antique shop an...