Tuesday, December 10, 2013


These are tops of perhaps a stone wall or column pieces. The Mosque in Belgrade, that I showed you in this post several years ago, has been renovated, but these were always lying in the same place and haven't been moved.

Daily Haiku
Once tall, now toppled
No longer what they once were
But now a still life


Olivier said...

tres bon Haiku sur ce post

Gaelyn said...

A little too big to fit in ones pocket.

Alexa said...

I think it's kind of nice that they've been left alone. Certainly makes a beautiful still-life.

Stanko said...

Hi !
Very beautiful shot. I think that those stones are the remainings of old muslim tombstones.The men's used to have some turban on the top and the women's had stylized tulips. Veliki pozdrav from Paris, Stanko


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